- Right of Public Access
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:: Right of Public Access
There is no equivalent in the world by the Swedish right of public access.
It is unique in its kind, and we must uphold it in every way.
Hunting and fishing
Hunting and fishing are not included in the public right. But you can fish freely with rod and other hand tools in our five largest lakes, Lake Mälaren, Vänern, Vättern, Hjälmaren and the Great Lake, and along the coasts. The exception is salmon fishing at the Norrland coast. In all other water permit is required, such fiskekort.Obs fishing lure is not equal to trolling, that is trolling the waters is not permitted Always find out the rules that apply where you want to fish! Never leave fishing lines and hooks in nature - they can become death traps for animals. You have to leave young animals and nests in peace and may for example not take birds' eggs. It counts as hunting. All wild mammals and birds are protected and may only be hunted in accordance with requirements of the Hunting Act.
Respect others' privacy
You can get around by walking, biking, horseback riding, skiing and staying temporarily in the wild if you do not risk damaging crops, afforestation or other sensitive areas. But you must respect others' privacy and may not cross or intrude upon private property. Land, which is not always enclosed, the area closest to the house. There, the residents the right to be left in peace. If transparency is free, you must stay far away so you do not disturb. Your stay in the wild may not cause the landowner to hinder their activities. You as a rider must be extra careful. The risk of soil damage is great, especially when riding in groups. Ride is not the marked trails, ski trails, hiking trails or on soft and sensitive lands. Also mountain biking involves a risk of soil damage and require extra caution. You may cross fenced pastures and the like only you do not damage fences or disturb livestock. Close gates behind you so that cattle will not loose.
No motor vehicles off-road
There is no "right of public access motorized". According to off-road law it is forbidden to drive a car, motorcycles, mopeds and other motorized vehicles on bare ground in the terrain. It is also not allowed to drive into the motor vehicles on private roads that are closed to traffic. Such a ban should be marked with road signs or other means. You can normally park immediately adjacent to the road if you do not violate traffic rules, damaging the land or interfere with the landowner. But do not stand so that you become a danger to traffic or hinder someone to arrive.
It is allowed to set up a tent for a day or on land not used for agriculture that are remote from the dwelling. The closer to houses and the more likely you are to cause a disturbance, the more reason is there to ask permission from the landowner. The requirement of consideration is even greater when free camping with a caravan or motorhome. Such camping is limited, moreover, by off-road law.
Never burn if there is no risk of fire. In dry weather there is often a fire ban. Contact the City's emergency services (fire) if you are unsure about what is what. Extinguish the fire completely before leaving the site. You can be sentenced to fines and damages if the fire spreads. Never light a fire directly on the rocks. The cracks and ugly wounds that never heal.
Swimming and boat
You may bathe, moor your boat temporarily and go ashore almost everywhere, except at the property or where there is special access prohibitions, such as the protection of bird life, or for seals. Otherwise, the same consideration apply as for camping. You may only temporarily moor at another pier provided it does not prevent the owner. If in doubt, contact the owner. You may travel by boat on the sea, in lakes and streams. Note that there may be special restrictions such as speed limits and entry restrictions. The requirement of consideration is especially great for those traveling by motorboat. Watercraft may only operate in certain areas of the county administration has decided on. The County Board may give a decisive answer.
Bring trash
All littering outdoors is prohibited. Glass, cans and bottle caps can harm both humans and animals, and plastic bags can cause great suffering for the animals receive them as such. Never place garbage bags next to a full garbage can. Have you been camping or have a picnic, you must clean up after yourself.
flowers and berries
You may not use twigs, branches, bark, leaves, acorns, nuts or resin from growing trees. Of course, you do not take the bushes or cut down trees. However, you may pick wild berries, flowers and mushrooms, fallen branches and dry twigs on the ground. Some flowers are so rare that there is a risk that they will become extinct. Such flowers are protected and may not be picked. From the county board, you can get information about protected plants. Orchids are protected throughout the country.
The dog must comply with in nature, but during the period March 1 to August 20, it may not run loose in the woods and fields. Then the animal life at its most sensitive and even the most peaceful little pet can cause great harm by their mere presence. Even during another time of year, you must have your dog under such supervision that it can not harm or disturb wildlife
Text: Environmental Protection Agency in Sweden